What do you think of when you think of Cable and Wireless????? England, monopoly, ever-the-same, blue and white, more recently-- b-mobile, and now -- lime????? Can the company that has dominated the Caribbean telecommunications landscape for decades change it's image????? Well it's too early to tell but that is the hope of the company. So what is lime?
It stands for Landline, Internet, Mobile, Entertainment. An initiative strictly for the Caribbean market. And Cables has come up with a 15 point plan outlining how LIME is going to improve the lives of its customers. Here are some of them:
- Calls to LIME’s customer service centres will be answered within one minute.
- No LIME customer will be without the ability to communicate, via at least one of LIME’s services, with their friends, family or colleagues, for more than one day.
- Customers (and potential customers) will not be sold services or products that they do not need – even if that means LIME loses money on a sale.
- LIME will ensure that every child, in the markets where LIME operates, will have access to a computer and the Internet to aid their education.
- LIME will invest $5m in local community initiatives – such as Carnival – every year.
- LIME will publish its financial results - making it clear how much it has invested in the region and how much Caribbean shareholders have gained from investing in LIME.
- LIME will operate a “Caribbean supplier first” policy, ensuring that it invests in the economic growth of the region.
- LIME will provide employment and promotion opportunities for Caribbean residents as a priority.
- LIME will reduce its paper wastage by 15%, as well as introducing a number of other environmental initiatives.
- LIME will commit the time of every colleague – from CEO to cleaner – to aiding recovery efforts in times of national crisis.
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