Caribbeans, stand up and be counted!!!!
Here's an example of how you should fill out questions 9 of 2010 US Census Survey.Image source
About CARIBID2010
As Caribbean Americans we are virtually invisible to the U.S. Census Bureau. This translates to no accurate count of this community and the dismissal of the marketplace as the powerful niche market we all know it is; since we have to real numbers to prove our economic strength.
CaribWorldNews, Hard Beat Communications, the Caribbean Immigrant Services, several organizations, community leaders, media owners and individuals across the U.S. have teamed up to launch `CaribID 2010,` a campaign to simply and forcefully urge the U.S. Census to allow Caribbean nationals/West Indians to be counted as a 17 category on the Census form in 2010.
The call to action is for every Caribbean national in this the United States to STAND UP AND BE COUNTED. This means that every national will be sought to become the ambassador in getting the message out and ensuring our voices are raised in unison.
This historic initiative from Hard Beat is a concerted focused effort and its not about the ego of any one group, association or individual. This is about the big picture and the big goal of getting Caribbean Americans counted where it matters – in getting recognition politically and being viewed as the economic power they are.
Of course it’s not going to be an overnight thing but we’re going to start a long over due movement and stay the course and get this done as a representative group for us and our children and their children. So that like Asians, Hispanics and African Americans we too can be truly counted and our strength measured. For we have no other identifying factor but West Indian since we are a huge ethnic melting pot of ethnicities and like the people of Guam and Hawaii, we too need our very own Census category.
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