Radcliffe Knibbs-Corporate Partner Juci Patty, Jeffery Dujon-Retired Cricket Player
Subash Ranjitsingh-Neil and Massey Commercial Director Battery Department
Chris Dehring –Investor /Businessman.
Sheree Whitfield and Ayeola
There were representatives from the various sponsoring companies and of course fellow members of the media.
Thanks to a really nice hotel employee, I got a vep (a ride) under the freeway and whisked off to the shopping center where preparations were being made for the fashion show. As soon as I arrived I bumped into Lady Saw who had just finishing rehearsing for her performance later that night. We HAD to take a pic, never mind that she wasn't dressed up. Speaking of which I had to hurry up and change too.
And here we are at the Fashion show. BJ Coleman, the PR guy and the one who just made everything just come together, seated me in the FRONT ROW ya'll. Nice. So across from me is Sheree Whitfield and Misa Hylton-Brim (say what!?%) and further up is Lady Saw and Tanya Stephens and Jaiden (the three of them performed "We Are The World" later on in the show). On the other side of Sheree Whitfield was Lennox Lewis and Donovan Bailey. Across from them were the who's-who in not just Caribbean Fashion but FAHSHON on a whole -Freddie Leiba, Constance White, not to far away was Kingsley Cooper....so you get the picture right? Oh and how could I forget THE Bryce Wilson was like two seats away from me? Very approachable guy.
Ok so the show is starting and I see all ladies with their legs crossed the way you see in pics at such-and-such fashion week. Shit. I don't think I can keep my legs crossed that long. I consider myself more of a tomboy than fashion forward style vixen. I mean I clean up good but dang! And look at this 15 year old child beside me doing it like a pro. Oh but ha!! I see her trick. She alternates legs. So that's it. I still not doing that. So I settle for crossing my ankles. I keeps it real. O.K. Wait a minute where are everyone's purses??? I got this big ass bag on my lap and not quite sure where it'[s supposed to be. On the floor??? Hell to the naw. I DO NOT put my bags anywhere but a chair or countertop. Hmmm. Behind me? On my side? I'm sorry this is all new to me. Guess what though, Ayeola is a soldier seen? So challenges are always welcome. We goin do this my way. The bag stays on my lap. Turned out to be a good move as I used it to rest my little notebook while taking notes.

In the front row, bag on my lap! Pic Taken by Byrce Wilson for your infotechnology. lol.
The show has begun. It's Jamaican Michael doing his thing to "Annie are you OK". A likkle moon walk, a likkle crotch grabbing, a lot of mouth pouting and finger pointing and ting. And it starts off with a bang! Swimsuits: small, tight, and oh so sexy. Now I took note early that the playlist was off the chain, and so was the DJ (lol) Big up to Zip Jock Bambino for seamless and well appointed music throughout the show. Being into music more than I am fashion, of course I could not help but notice the song choices: “Take You There”Sean Kingston, “Sensual Seduction” Snoop Dogg, “Tip On Your Toes” Busy Signal, “I Dare You” Destra, “Poker Face” Lady Gaga, “Spotlight” Jennifer Hudson. Wow. What a Mix! Just like the fashions: Animal Prints, citrusy yellows and oranges, gold accessories, hot shades, lots of platforms. Wait is this a Hip-Hop video???? Oh and there just had to be a girl to stand out....attitude, attitude, attitude...as Tyra would say: "Fierce" she was in the pink and blue suit. The guys did their thing too. But alas we only saw them in the swimsuit round.
Next round starts of with Michael Jackson's “Stranger In Moscow” (Hey I'm all about the music) then it's “Fire Burning” by Sean Kingston, and Marky Mark's “Good Vibrations” Right Said Fred “I’m Too Sexy” and “Vogue” by Madonna rounds the segment off. Oh wait. I recognize this place Doctor. It seems sooo familiar. Yes the yellow madras, the African Print, those beads at the end of the belts, hmmmm wait, its coming. Yes, I see it now! It's Anya Ayoung Chee's line Pilar. (Singing) I know fashion, I know fashion, I know fashion. Yes! (pumpin fists-which of course I did behind the big bag on my lap, see it was a good thing I didn't put it under the seat. Genius!!) One of the models got some claps from the crowd when she walked down the runway with her shoes in her hand. Now honestly, I doh even know what happen, if she trip or what. So caught up was I in my reverie... I mean I finally recognized a piece of fashion. I was on cloud 79 for a minute there. ok. So after that KERRY-Ann Clarke (yes she is the KERRY in KERRYManWomanHome) and Mehgan Fabulous came out to take their bows. The clothing modelled are available in both her Kingston and Montego Bay stores.
Click HERE for a slide show from Cosmotee's photography!
Segment number three (I don't know what it's called in model talk but we'll use segment here, k)was all about the sparkle and it kicked off with a Michael Jackson medley :“The Way You Make Me Feel” “Billie Jean” “Bad” and “Rock My World.” Apart from the sparkles, some of the dresses featured bold colors such as pink, red and orange and all had scallops in different variations.
Hey I have a slide show too...click the arrow to the right to turn on slideshow!
Things wrapped off with the final segment with a hodgepodge of fashions from casual/ work-wear looking pieces to evening wear to late evening wear (wink, wink). The music was fun and flirty: OK who sings that song “If You Sexy and You know it Just show it?" that was the first tune and I just not sure who the artist is. Yes, Michael's presence still remained and Bambino played my favorite “Don’t stop till you get enough” as well as "Pretty Young Thing." Mary J. Blige's "Just Fine” added to the fun and funky spirit on the runway. “SOS” by Shakira, "Sweet Dream" by Beyonce ," "Closer" by Ne-Yo and "Frozen" by Tami Chynn took the vibe down a touch. But not too much cause things wrapped up with Black Eyed Peas "I Gotta Feeling." There was an interesting black dress that caught my eye. It featured two hands one placed on the hip and the other on the shoulder- a creative touch. I loved the gorgeous silk pieces and the last piece of the night, a daring number enveloped in a see-through cape. Honey, the girl that was wearing that outfit KNEW she was working it O.K and work it she did. And those F* me boots she was wearing did not hurt a bit! Snap, snap!
And it was over. I did not get any I-Pod or other goodies that were placed under some seats. Darn it, and I just lost my shuffle. Oh well. I got a pic with Bryce-nice consolation. Every one is mingling. There's Christina Benjamin of College Lifestyle Magazine TV Show, Kingsly Cooper of Pulse Models, Chie Davis interviewing Lady Saw, Philip Bloch and "Q" the makeup artist and Jaiden and Miguel Perdomo are posing with me for a pic. Uh huh. I'm a star. Just kidding;-)

Christina Benjamin of College Lifestyle Magazine
My hands are hurting. I have written too much. My posts are usually short and sweet, don't? Lemme wrap up. The after party at the Black Pearl was off da hizzzeeeeeeee.. Bambino dropped hits from waaaay back...and played KMC ya''ll. Since I have come to Jamaica Soca is Machel, Rupee and Alison Hinds. My boy play KMC, and Mr. Slaughter and Patrice Robets. I Love you ZJ Bambino. Remember "Batty Rider" AKA Big It Up by Buju? Dem chunes there still go hard. From Soulja Boy to Jah Cure, to Lady Gaga, to Kartel "woman you haffi physically fit," he played it all. Trust me I was getting on bad upstairs eh.
So......even though I was a fashion show novice, I handled my handle you zi mi? I clap when it was time to clap, I almost laugh that model with the funny walk ( like her shoes were too big) but I held it in and good thing too cause she walked like that all nite so I guess that was her signature walk or whatever. I got some nice contacts--we'll see how that turns out cause I am not a novice to human nature. People have a way of doing the "oh call me honey"or "hmmm we need to hook up"(professionally, of course) line and you never hear from them again. It's all good though. I got to tell Mr. Knibbs of Juci Patti how much I love the service at his restaurants, I enjoyed a few good laughs with Mr. Lyn of Best Chicken and Jeffrey Dujon who has visited Dominica (oh yah you know I had to represent) and the other friendly gentlemen at the 19th hole. I met ZJ Bambino, and Lady Saw and Lennox Lewis. Donovan Bailey is a crazy mofo! (good crazy...a likkle weird but mostly good..hehe). Next time I will hit the beach too. I never got to meet Mr. Ocean Style himself Douglas K. Gordon who eluded me the entire evening. Oh well. There's always next year!
View Golf pics and Fashion Show pics on Ocean Style's Facebook Page. Also log on to Cosmo Tee's page for more Fashion Show Pics!
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