The Bouyon masters WCK from all accounts put on an AWESOME performance at World Creole Music Festival 2009. The band performs every year but this year was special as several former members performed with the band. S.K.I.N.N.Y AKA Shadowflow formerly known as Skinny Banton, Dice (Dominia's 4-time Calypso King), Nayee (awesome songwriter and vocalist), and Clint "The Body" Henderson AKA Charm Daddy....

So of course hearing all these old CK just bring back memories of a fete here and ther, CK on de Parkway, CK in Miami....yes Jah sorry I miss it we....

Here is part two which is just a continuation of the performance.....

Oh yah, they played my favorite "Chance" yes Dicey...luvin it....

Hope you guys enjoy!

WCK 4Lyfe...Ja Konet!!!!

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