Remember Aunt Viv from” Fresh Prince of Bel-Air”? The original Aunt Viv? Well Janet Hubert has a new tell-all/memoirs out called Perfection Is Not A Sitcom Mom where she she dishing some behind the scenes info on Will Smith and its not in his favor. Here’s an excerpt:

“Smith had people around him who made sure no one outshone him. I was happy to see Don Cheadle become the quality actor that he is, and often wondered how he made it past one episode, as Hilary’s boyfriend, being such a fierce actor. No one could be on ‘The Tonight Show,’ that first season, except Will. And I mean no one.”

There's more:
“I recall the lovely and incredibly talented Countess Vaughn coming to guest star. Oh my God! The day of table read, she was pee-in-your-pants funny. The writers were howling, we were howling, so I knew she was history – banished into the cornfield. Many years later, after she had her own show, I had to tell her when she asked me why. ‘Miss Janet why did I get cut from the episode,’ she asked? Simply, my darling, you were too good,” she recollected.

Wow. Now is this someone who thinks it's the right time to come out with the truth, or is this a case of sour grapes????

Read more HERE

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