MySpace MyAds program is available to the public. One group MySpace is aggressively targeting the service towards is bands, which will be able to create their own banner ads and then select which MySpace users will see the ads based on the users' listed interests. So far there are roughly 1100 categories of interests, ranging from hip-hop to rock to tattooing. There is a $25 minimum per campaign with advertisers bidding against one another for top placement in categories.
The service was available to large brands since last year and from three months ago via private beta to a small group of users.
Now all users can take advantage of MySpace Ads. Links in ads will be able to go to non-MySpace pages in addition to MySpace pages, an addition that was not in the original code. Users of the service will receive data such as hour-by-hour traffic figures. Uploaded ads will be screened for content before being posted to the site.

A definite qay to promote yourself...Take advantage hear!!!!!

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